If you have teeth that no longer functioning, you should to pull it out it. After revocation, the action most both were replaced with a false tooth. However, some people do not do it, but instead let for many years.
Actually, what will happen when you do not immediately make dentures in a day as a substitute for your teeth to that have revoked?
Below are some consequences if you do not make dentures after tooth extraction, which is as follows:
1. Teeth will shift to the next available space.
All teeth have individual movements, so the teeth will continue to search for contacts so they can occupy a room shift the revoked teeth marks left by them. This of course raises its own problems, because it automatically results in changes to contacts with the surrounding teeth.
2. Teeth on the top or bottom will change to longer
This is tantamount to point number one above. Because the essence of the teeth will be constantly moving to find the best contacts in accordance with its current position until the teeth are getting a comfortable position. This of course can cause damage to the tooth tissue, because these teeth will automatically decrease the high bone buffer. Therefore, if left alone, as a result the teeth will damage as well and the next is due to be also revoked.
3. Generate a sense of pain in the tooth extrusion
Most cases I have encountered when the patient does not immediately change their teeth with dentures in a day are the emergence of a sense of pain next to the tooth. Moreover, we cannot detect these cases until some time, when the patient complaining feeling pain in the tooth. This cause is due to dental extrusion, it will cause the food easy wedged in the gap between two teeth. Furthermore, it will cause a hole in between two teeth, so that the teeth will be sore. These cases usually end with the removal of these teeth, because it is difficult to do dental fillings in the area.
4. Periodontal pocket occurs in the tooth next to it.
If you pull your teeth out, then the next tooth will decrease in the level of adhesion gum. Therefore, by itself will cause the gum pockets in the area. This certainly will lead to loosening teeth, so they can make a tooth becomes wobbly.
5. Decline in the face of high
If you have lots of molar teeth that revoked, but you do not immediately replace them with dentures in a day , it will be decline in high dimensions your face. This is because the tooth pulled opponent will experience elongation or seek contact. You can see the picture on an old man; it would have looked down her face dimension.
Some things are just part of the consequence if you do not immediately create a replacement denture after your teeth revoked. Nevertheless, I hope to give a clear description, so you will not delay for immediate to order your dentures.